SEO Your Blog To Attract Googler's To Your Site

"Many of the blogger is very upset of getting traffic to there blog but the reason is there blog  Don't lay under the  SEO Subject , so by now with this article, i wrote with my full experience with traffic and blogging and SEO ,
 i am going to  revel some tricks and secrets in SEO To get you  top Ranks in Google search engine and other search engine (so you will get more organic traffic )  "
                                                                                              - Solomon david 

More Traffic + Organic Traffic = Money = :)  

1.Google search result structure 

2. Reasonable content 

3.High quality look

4.Keyword density (mother of all) 

Google Search Result Structure :
(To get top in google you need to follow my steps care fully )  

You have seen many results in Google with small picture of author displayed in it. this is nothing but a getting a authorship in Google for your blog , you can read my article  here to know how to display author picture in google search  advatages for us by doing this is it will increase the click rate in google the chances will be more for the click rate by the users  let me show a optical proof for you  belo see the picture 

SEO Your Blog To Attract Googler's To Your Site

The first result looks interesting and believing  with author picture and author name and  looks professional, but the second result looks boring and looks like not important so you must structure your result in Google by authorship verification this will increase your Google search click rate this will instantly increase your organic traffic as i said in first :)  

 Reasonable content : what you write must be true and reasonable  it should not be a fake one so this will annoy the readers and they wont ever visit your blog or website again you must engage your blog visitors by some interesting and unique content in it with some humor things this will make them to stay in your site for longer period 

High quality look: your blog or website should look royal with great looking template and your blog should have privacy policy page in it this will make your blog or website looks professorial you should not have more widgets in it this will makes your weblog looks like shit  

 Keyword density (mother of all) :   keyword density is nothing but , for example a person is writing a content about" Mobile phone" so he must often repeat that word in the content here and there to get more density of that particular keyword so Google thinks this page talks more about mobile phone so they rate you up in the mobile phone niche so when ever you write a article or blog post
try to repeat the keyword in may places of the content

Author : Solomon David

traffic to website google authorship,seo your blog seo your seo how to seo my blog seo seo my blogger seo tricks seo trick seo tips for my blog get m ore traffic to your blog top in google rank ,SEO Your Blog To Attract Googler To Your SiteSEO Your Blog To Attract Googler To Your SiteSEO Your Blog To Attract Googler To Your SiteSEO Your Blog To Attract Googler To Your SiteSEO Your Blog To Attract Googler To Your SiteSEO Your Blog To Attract Googler To Your SiteSEO Your Blog To Attract Googler To Your Site get more traffic tricks tricks tips tips tips tips trick trick trick 

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  1. Very good post, thanks. I learn a lot from this post, hope for more posts like this one. Best regards !

  2. Nice tips bro. Your website design is awesome.Keep posting.

    Abdur Rakib

  3. The most important thing is content and the links formed that means back-links form on authorized site what is its page rank, sometime seomoz ranks also get importance in ranking procedures.

  4. Reasonable Content ? Content is king and it should be of high quality if you want to get your website to top pages of search engine.

  5. Nice information. I must have to say this is one of the most interesting topics for me. Thanks & Keep Sharing…

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It's great that you came up with this idea because by default the blogger title tag is not SEO friendly.

  9. Can you click on my Name and Go the the site and tell whether the site is up to the Mark? That'be appreciated


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